07889 304 460 louise@louisecamby.com


Born with a natural deep voice Louise has been recognised and remembered for her voice all her life.

Louise enjoys speaking but is also passionate about listening and feeling heard. During her many years working in a variety of different sales roles Louise learnt the importance of listening to customers and how making them feel heard was often the key to gaining them or retaining them as a customer.

Louise also gives fun and informative talks to audiences like the U3A, WI, Rotary, Probus and many more. For more information please visit Voice Productions. Louise uses her voice to record voice overs for videos, presentations, telephone software and announcements. She co-runs the family music business and record label Dulcima Records based around her grandfather who most famously wrote the music to the 1971 film The Railway Children.

In 2018 Louise’s voice began to hurt. Benign lumps were found on her vocal cords resulting in a operation to remove them. Following this procedure Louise had to be silent for 2 weeks. It was during this time that her listening skills improved immensely and the importance of feeling heard became very apparent.

Louise now shares techniques to help you become conscious of listening actively to improve all communication and relationships both at work and at home. Listening is known to improve productivity and increase revenue. Listening is invaluable for people’s mental health and wellness.

When not working Louise has a very busy and varied social life. Louise enjoys having a great work / life balance which involves many hobbies including Amateur Dramatics, playing in a ladies football team, cycling, snooker, open water swimming, walking and most recently running. Listening is imperative in all aspects of Louise’s life. Listening to the Director of the show, the football coach, the lifeguards and environmental sounds to stay safe when cycling and running on the roads. Louise regularly sees first hand when ‘not listening’ causes issues, raises stress levels, wastes time and breaks relationships. Such an important communication skill is so often overlooked and disregarded.

Listening better will improve your life and business. Louise enjoys helping people and has found the impact of her talk ‘Let Your Ears Do The Talking’ has had a profound effect on people. She is keen to share this with as many people as possible and help them improve their communication at work and at home, ultimately improving their productivity and wellbeing.

If you feel listening to Louise’s content would help you and your teams please do contact her. Louise can deliver short talks from 20 minutes to 45 minutes, or workshops from 1.5 hours to 3 hours.